
Do you need a Physio Style Massage?
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45 to 90 minutes.
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Open from Monday to Saturdays and some Sundays
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What is Physio Style Massage?
This technique is performed by a physiotherapist and is highly effective due to the physio’s in-depth understanding of anatomy and physiology. Physiotherapy is associated with medical professionals who are trained in rehabilitative techniques aimed at restoring functions after injury or other problems that affect muscles, bones and other connective tissues.
The Physio Style Massage is beneficial in the treatment from “simple to complex complaints”. These include, but are not limited to:
- Headaches and Migraines
- Whiplash, Frozen Shoulder
- RSI – Repetitive Strain Injuries
- Back pain due to slip disc or degeneration
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome / Tennis Elbow / Golfers Elbow
- Hip complaints, e.g. Sciatica, Piriformis Syndrome, Bursitis
- Plantar fascitis, tendinopathies as sore Aquiles tendons
- Relieve chronic and acute muscle pain
- Improve body function, mobility, posture and flexibility
- Speed up recovery time from injury and surgery
- Break up old scar tissue and adhesions

We specialise in applying the following blend of unique techniques:
• Trigger Point Therapy.
• Cross Fibre Friction.
• Deep Massage Techniques.
• Advanced Stretching Techniques.
• Infrared Lamp Therapy.
• Massage Gun (if applicable).
• Kinesiotape (if applicable).
• Overall care education of your body, strengthening exercises or Yoga stretches (if applicable).



The massage techniques increase the blood circulation, oxygen and nutrients, which helps to repair the muscle, flush out chemical irritants and waste products that has been stored in the muscle (For example after a 5K).
When a muscle is tight it can irritate nerve receptors within the muscle, causing muscle pain. Compression techniques will reduce tightness by relieving nerve irritation and muscular discomfort.
The Infrared therapy is a new and innovative light-based method to treat pain and inflammation in various parts of the body. The key characteristic of infrared light is its ability to penetrate even the deep layers of the skin, providing better pain relief. Also, infrared light is safe, natural, non-invasive, and painless.
The massage gun uses percussive therapy to pulse targeted pressure into your muscles at speed helping to break up scar tissue, release the fascia and treat, muscle and tendon conditions. The Massage Gun is ideal for big muscles, deep trigger points or extreme muscle tightness.
Kinesiotape is used to support and relieve pain in muscles, joints, and/or ligaments without restricting full range of motion in individuals. It reduces swelling, increases mobility, prevents over-stretching or over-contraction of muscles and enhances muscle tone and strength.
The sum of the benefits mentioned above will reduce the pain, improve the range of movement and prevent injuries.